
Appcelerator [ERROR] : xcodebuild[XXXX:XXXX] DTDeviceKit: deviceType from XXXX was NULL

[INFO] :   Invoking xcodebuild


[INFO] :   Invoking xcodebuild


appc run -p ios –log-leveltrace

mac2$ appc run -p ios --log-leveltrace
Appcelerator Command-Line Interface, version 8.0.0
Copyright (c) 2014-2021, Appcelerator, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.

2021-11-19 11:52:43

Operating System
  Name                        = Mac OS X
  Version                     = 10.14.6
  Architecture                = 64bit
  # CPUs                      = 4
  Memory                      = 17179869184

  Node.js Version             = 10.13.0
  npm Version                 = 6.4.1

Titanium CLI
  CLI Version                 = 5.2.2

Titanium SDK
  SDK Version                 = 8.0.2.GA
  SDK Path                    = /Users/mispc-mac2/Library/Application Support/Titanium/mobilesdk/osx/8.0.2.GA
  Target Platform             = iphone

  /Users/mispc-mac2/.nodebrew/node/v10.13.0/bin/node /Users/mispc-mac2/.appcelerator/install/8.0.0/package/node_modules/titanium/lib/titanium.js build -p ios --log-leveltrace --config-file /var/folders/s2/442jf1nj12z4x8cx97sp28yr0000gn/T/build-1637290352822.json --log-level info --no-banner --project-dir /Users/mispc-mac2/Documents/git/Smash2021Step1/SmashMgCnct_and_iOS/SmashMgCnct_client

[INFO]  Found Titanium module id=hyperloop version=4.0.2 platform=iphone deploy-type=development path=/Users/mispc-mac2/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules/iphone/hyperloop/4.0.2
[INFO]  Found Titanium module id=ti.cloud version=3.2.2 platform=commonjs deploy-type=development path=/Users/mispc-mac2/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules/commonjs/ti.cloud/3.2.2
[INFO]  Found better matching module id=ti.cloud version=latest platform=commonjs deploy-type=development path=/Users/mispc-mac2/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules/commonjs/ti.cloud/3.2.11
[INFO]  Found Titanium module id=ti.compression version=1.1.1 platform=iphone deploy-type=development path=/Users/mispc-mac2/Documents/git/Smash2021Step1/SmashMgCnct_and_iOS/SmashMgCnct_client/modules/iphone/ti.compression/1.1.1
[INFO]  Found better matching module id=ti.compression version=latest platform=ios,iphone deploy-type=development path=/Users/mispc-mac2/Library/Application Support/Titanium/modules/iphone/ti.compression/2.0.0
[INFO]  Found Titanium plugin id=ti.alloy version=1.0 
[INFO]  Deploy type: development
[INFO]  Building for target: simulator
[INFO]  Building using iOS SDK: 12.4
[INFO]  Building for iOS Simulator: iPhone 7 Plus
[INFO]  Building for device family: universal
[INFO]  Team ID: n/a
[INFO]  Minimum iOS version: 9.0
[INFO]  Logging enabled on port 57840
[INFO]  Debugging disabled
[INFO]  Profiler disabled
[INFO]  Set to copy files instead of symlinking
[INFO]  Forcing clean build: /Users/mispc-mac2/Documents/git/Smash2021Step1/SmashMgCnct_and_iOS/SmashMgCnct_client/build/iphone/build-manifest.json does not exist
[INFO]  Initializing the build directory
[INFO]  Found Alloy app in /Users/mispc-mac2/Documents/git/Smash2021Step1/SmashMgCnct_and_iOS/SmashMgCnct_client/app
[INFO]  Executing Alloy compile: /Users/mispc-mac2/.nodebrew/current/bin/node /Users/mispc-mac2/.appcelerator/install/8.0.0/package/node_modules/alloy/bin/alloy compile /Users/mispc-mac2/Documents/git/Smash2021Step1/SmashMgCnct_and_iOS/SmashMgCnct_client/app --config platform=ios,version=0,simtype=none,devicefamily=universal,deploytype=development,target=simulator
[INFO]   [config.json] config.json unchanged, using cached config.json...
[INFO]  ----- MVC GENERATION -----
[INFO]  [global style] loading from cache...
[INFO]  [index.xml] view processing...
[INFO]    style:      "index.tss"
[INFO]    view:       "index.xml"
[INFO]    controller: "index.js"
[INFO]    created:    "Resources/iphone/alloy/controllers/index.js"
[INFO]    created:     "Resources/iphone/alloy/styles/index.js"
[INFO]  [app.js] Titanium entry point processing...
[INFO]    created:    "Resources/iphone/app.js"
[INFO]  ----- OPTIMIZING -----
[INFO]  - iphone/CommonFunction.js
[INFO]  - iphone/CommonUi.js
[INFO]  - iphone/Constant.js
[INFO]  - iphone/DefineMaster.js
[INFO]  - iphone/DetailPict.js
[INFO]  - iphone/Login.js
[INFO]  - iphone/SceneSiteApprove.js
[INFO]  - iphone/SceneSiteList.js
[INFO]  - iphone/SceneSiteSend.js
[INFO]  - iphone/SelectOrderSetting.js
[INFO]  - iphone/Setting.js
[INFO]  - iphone/SoundPlay.js
[INFO]  - iphone/VideoPlay.js
[INFO]  - iphone/alloy.js
[INFO]  - iphone/alloy/sync/localStorage.js
[INFO]  - iphone/alloy/sync/properties.js
[INFO]  - iphone/alloy/sync/sql.js
[INFO]  - iphone/tiRadioButton.js
[INFO]  Alloy compiled in 3.56046s
[INFO]  Alloy compiler completed successfully
[INFO]  Creating Xcode project
[INFO]  Creating Entitlements.plist
[INFO]  Creating Info.plist
[INFO]  Disabling ATS
[INFO]  Creating main.m
[INFO]  Creating Xcode config files
[INFO]  Copying Titanium libraries
[INFO]  Copying Titanium iOS files
[INFO]  Installing default LaunchScreen.storyboard
[INFO]  Cleaning Xcode derived data
[INFO]  Creating debugger and profiler plists
[INFO]  Analyzing Resources directory
[INFO]  Analyzing platform files
[INFO]  Analyzing module files
[INFO]  Analyzing localized launch images
[INFO]  Analyzing CommonJS modules
[INFO]  Analyzing CommonJS module: ti.cloud
[INFO]  Creating asset catalog
[INFO]  Creating app icon set
[INFO]  Creating launch logo image set
[INFO]  Missing 5 launch logos, generating missing launch logos from DefaultIcon.png
[WARN]  If this app has been previously installed on this simulator, you may need restart it to see the latest launch logo
[WARN]  iOS renders and caches the launch screen to a PNG image that seems to only be invalidated by restarting iOS
[INFO]  Missing 17 app icons, generating missing icons
[INFO]    appicon-Small.png - Used for iPad - size: 29x29
[INFO]    appicon-Small@2x.png - Used for iPhone, iPad - size: 58x58
[INFO]    appicon-Small@3x.png - Used for iPhone - size: 87x87
[INFO]    appicon-Small-40.png - Used for iPad - size: 40x40
[INFO]    appicon-Small-40@2x.png - Used for iPhone, iPad - size: 80x80
[INFO]    appicon-Small-40@3x.png - Used for iPhone - size: 120x120
[INFO]    appicon-60@2x.png - Used for iPhone - size: 120x120
[INFO]    appicon-60@3x.png - Used for iPhone - size: 180x180
[INFO]    appicon-76.png - Used for iPad - size: 76x76
[INFO]    appicon-76@2x.png - Used for iPad - size: 152x152
[INFO]    appicon-83.5@2x.png - Used for iPad - size: 167x167
[INFO]    appicon-Marketing.png - Used for iPhone - size: 1024x1024
[INFO]    LaunchLogo~iphone - Used for iphone - size: 320x320 - size: 320x320
[INFO]    LaunchLogo@2x~iphone - Used for iphone - size: 374x374 - size: 374x374
[INFO]    LaunchLogo@3x~iphone - Used for iphone - size: 621x621 - size: 621x621
[INFO]    LaunchLogo~ipad - Used for ipad - size: 384x384 - size: 384x384
[INFO]    LaunchLogo@2x~ipad - Used for ipad - size: 1024x1024 - size: 1024x1024
[INFO]  Processing JavaScript files
[INFO]  Writing app properties
[WARN]  The implicit global scope for variable declarations in app.js is deprecated in 7.5.0, and will be removed in 9.0.0
[WARN]  See http://go.appcelerator.com/Titanium_SDK_7.5.0_Functionality_Update for more info
[WARN]  The iOS framework "SceneSiteApprove" could not be found. Are you trying to use "SceneKit" instead? (../build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SmashMgCnct.app/DetailPict.js)
[WARN]  The iOS framework "SceneSiteSend" could not be found. Are you trying to use "SceneKit" instead? (../build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SmashMgCnct.app/SceneSiteApprove.js)
[WARN]  The iOS framework "SceneSiteList" could not be found. Are you trying to use "SceneKit" instead? (../build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SmashMgCnct.app/SceneSiteApprove.js)
[WARN]  The iOS framework "SceneSiteApprove" could not be found. Are you trying to use "SceneKit" instead? (../build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SmashMgCnct.app/SceneSiteList.js)
[WARN]  The iOS framework "SceneSiteList" could not be found. Are you trying to use "SceneKit" instead? (../build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SmashMgCnct.app/SceneSiteSend.js)
[WARN]  The iOS framework "SceneSiteApprove" could not be found. Are you trying to use "SceneKit" instead? (../build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SmashMgCnct.app/SceneSiteSend.js)
[WARN]  The iOS framework "SceneSiteList" could not be found. Are you trying to use "SceneKit" instead? (../build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SmashMgCnct.app/SelectOrderSetting.js)
[WARN]  The iOS framework "SceneSiteApprove" could not be found. Are you trying to use "SceneKit" instead? (../build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SmashMgCnct.app/SoundPlay.js)
[WARN]  The iOS framework "SceneSiteApprove" could not be found. Are you trying to use "SceneKit" instead? (../build/iphone/build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/SmashMgCnct.app/VideoPlay.js)
[INFO]  Writing bootstrap json
[INFO]  Creating launch image set
[INFO]  Creating assets image set
[INFO]  Writing i18n files
[INFO]  Processing Titanium symbols
[INFO]  Removing files
[INFO]  Starting Hyperloop assembly
[INFO]  Skipping Hyperloop compile, no usage found ...
[INFO]  Finished Hyperloop assembly in 0 seconds
[INFO]  Writing index.json with listing of JS/JSON files
[INFO]  Invoking xcodebuild
[INFO]  Finished building the application in 2m 23s 437ms
[INFO]  Launching iOS Simulator
-- Start simulator log -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO]  SmashMgCnct/1.2.3 (0.0.0.(null))
[INFO]  SmashMgCnct 1.2.3 (Powered by Titanium 8.0.2.a12da5b9ce)
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.color = value; or obj['color'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.textAlign = value; or obj['textAlign'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.font = value; or obj['font'] = value;
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.color = value; or obj['color'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.textAlign = value; or obj['textAlign'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.font = value; or obj['font'] = value;
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.font = value; or obj['font'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.textAlign = value; or obj['textAlign'] = value;
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.color = value; or obj['color'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.textAlign = value; or obj['textAlign'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.font = value; or obj['font'] = value;
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.font = value; or obj['font'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.textAlign = value; or obj['textAlign'] = value;
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.color = value; or obj['color'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.textAlign = value; or obj['textAlign'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.font = value; or obj['font'] = value;
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.color = value; or obj['color'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.backgroundColor = value; or obj['backgroundColor'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.borderColor = value; or obj['borderColor'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.align = value; or obj['align'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.font = value; or obj['font'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.value = value; or obj['value'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.color = value; or obj['color'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.textAlign = value; or obj['textAlign'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.font = value; or obj['font'] = value;
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.color = value; or obj['color'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.backgroundColor = value; or obj['backgroundColor'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.borderColor = value; or obj['borderColor'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.align = value; or obj['align'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.font = value; or obj['font'] = value;
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.color = value; or obj['color'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.borderRadius = value; or obj['borderRadius'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.borderColor = value; or obj['borderColor'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.font = value; or obj['font'] = value;
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.color = value; or obj['color'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.borderRadius = value; or obj['borderRadius'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.borderColor = value; or obj['borderColor'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.font = value; or obj['font'] = value;
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.font = value; or obj['font'] = value;
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.font = value; or obj['font'] = value;
[INFO]  ACS Login Results for environment `development`:
[INFO]  {
[INFO]      error = 0;
[INFO]      meta =     {
[INFO]          code = 200;
[INFO]          "method_name" = loginUser;
[INFO]          "session_id" = "hgo-HVW8obsmQ_5x6MR85vrQCPI";
[INFO]          status = ok;
[INFO]      };
[INFO]      success = 1;
[INFO]      users =     (
[INFO]                  {
[INFO]              admin = false;
[INFO]              "confirmed_at" = "2018-10-11T10:40:45+0000";
[INFO]              "created_at" = "2018-10-11T10:40:45+0000";
[INFO]              email = "";
[INFO]              "external_accounts" =             (
[INFO]              );
[INFO]              "friend_counts" =             {
[INFO]                  friends = 0;
[INFO]                  requests = 0;
[INFO]              };
[INFO]              id = 5bbf28ada8c76d02185a5305;
[INFO]              role = "appc-admin";
[INFO]              stats =             {
[INFO]                  photos =                 {
[INFO]                      "total_count" = 0;
[INFO]                  };
[INFO]                  storage =                 {
[INFO]                      used = 0;
[INFO]                  };
[INFO]              };
[INFO]              tags =             (
[INFO]                  appcelerator
[INFO]              );
[INFO]              "updated_at" = "2021-11-19T02:59:01+0000";
[INFO]              username = "appc_app_user_dev";
[INFO]          }
[INFO]      );
[INFO]  }
[INFO]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[INFO]  Ti.UI.orientation is deprecated since 1.7.2 .
[WARN]  Automatic setter methods for properties are deprecated in SDK 8.0.0 and will be removed in SDK 9.0.0. Please modify the property in standard JS style: obj.font = value; or obj['font'] = value;

[INFO] :   Invoking xcodebuild
[ERROR] :  2021-11-19 12:18:39.422 xcodebuild[47379:656905]  DTDeviceKit: deviceType from efc90e74052100fcf0b8a437fd8e67af190fc150 was NULL
[ERROR] :  2021-11-19 12:18:39.577 xcodebuild[47379:656907]  DTDeviceKit: deviceType from efc90e74052100fcf0b8a437fd8e67af190fc150 was NULL


メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 が付いている欄は必須項目です


Appcelerator 起動 固まる


